It's me

A Political Blog to Help The Center Hold...

The Cynical Center: A New Home for Democrats and Republicans

This is the best I can do for an introduction as I had to get this up due to time constraints. My political blog has something for everyone. While you may not agree with half of what I say, you will strongly agree with the other half. Political discourse is gone. It's not enough to share opinions and differences; in today's world, we disengage and withdrawl into seperate groups. I believe this is wrong. I too have been part of the problem. I have spent the better half of my life either putting down large groups of American's, because I felt I "knew better." The more I recognize that I really didn't, the more I realized that so many of us get stuck in this trap, and much of it has to do with social media and how the internet has changed political discourse.

This blog comes from an independent position. I have had many conservatives accuse me of being a far-left Liberal, and Liberals claim I was a right winger; the truth is, both are wrong. My views don't work like that. I can have one view, which leans left, and another, which leans to the right. This is in line with the silent majority of American's whom often withdrawl from politics due to the confrontational nature of many people espousing their political viewpoints.  I want to start something new...

Why The Blog?

This is the first political blog by a member of the Cynical Center; an organization dedicated to rational political discourse.
As an independent voter, my primary concerns are for shared common interests; everything else is secondary.
During election season (which now seems never ending), politicians and the public at large focuses the majority of their time arguing over a handful of issues. The problem is, minor social issues are temporarily resolved, but no meaningful change is to be had… Sure, one party gets their way with an issue, and we sit by clapping our hands because our supposed team party won the topic of the day award, but ultimately, what has changed for most Americans? That is what my interest is; discussing the things which haven’t changed, and possibly (well… likely) complaining about the people that are preventing meaningful change.

Video History

This video was taken awhile back, regarding some of my views regarding modern liberals. I will replace this video on the introduction shortly, as well as post on a regular basis, but this is my start.

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